Metallurgical Lab Services

Available from NSL Analytical Services, Inc.
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Stamping, shaping, bending, forging, casting, fabricating, and welding. You can bend them, punch through them, heat them, and squeeze them, but can you really see what is happening to your material through all of these operations?

Metallurgical Analysis
NSL Analytical's metallurgical engineering, mechanical testing, and failure analysis services provide customers with the facts on their materials and processes and the confidence of knowing their products will meet their quality standards.

Metallurgical Testing Professionals
Our qualified materials analysts, metallurgists and metallurgical engineers are experienced in microscopy evaluations, failure analysis, and mechanical testing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. And they are all housed in our brand new Metallurgical Testing Facility.

Our materials characterization specialists will help you with all of your materials testing needs including:

• Material Verification during the selection process
• Material Certification insuring supplier quality during Pre-production
• Failure Analysis: process evaluations during production, before product release and field failures.

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